Big (little) move!

At the end of last month, I moved from my studio, #104 at Artspace in downtown Raleigh, to an upstairs studio, #201. I wasn’t looking to change studios, but another artist at Artspace suggested that I consider it when 201 became available. I decided to give it a go. I had been downstairs in my old studio since right before the lockdowns in 2020. That suited me just fine. The building was closed to the public, but back then we didn’t know what we were dealing with as far as contagion. #104 had privacy, limited shared air ducts and a ceiling. Upstairs, the studios do not have ceilings. They are open to rafters and roof above.

Like I said, I wasn’t looking to move. I liked where I was, I liked my neighbors. It was a good studio. And who likes to move? Yes, I know there are people out there who do, no disrespect intended. And of course it is a good opportunity to do some purging. Anyway, I did it. And, while I miss the gang downstairs, I am happy to get to know the artists upstairs a little better. And, the new space is bigger, and really, really, lovely.

Old Studio... #104

New Studio, #201

Feel free to stop by sometime if you are in town. I’ll make you a cup of tea. I’m usually in on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays.


Why Dear Everybody?